Welcome to Greenville Avenue Chiropractic!
By consulting our office, you're taking an exciting first step toward better health. Our care is different. It is a difference that offers new ways to get well and stay well. Expect to find that every measure is taken to make your visits relaxed, comfortable and safe. Our office has been professionally designed, staffed and equipped to provide you with the best and most current care possible. We treat patients of all ages, from birth through graceful aging, with a wide variety of symptoms. We believe in trusting the innate wisdom of the body. Our approach is to be an expert who can partner with a patient, offer sound advice, guide, encourage and use natural approaches that honor the body's ability to work perfectly. We appreciate sound medical intervention when it is appropriate, so we work closely with other practitioners who keep up with the latest research and understand the value of this natural approach to better health. We consider it a privilege to take care of you. Expect a higher level of health care. You'll receive plenty of that here.
We address the underlying causes of your health problems (instead of just treating symptoms) so you can get well and stay well.
In an effort to help you restore and maintain optimal health, you will find it helpful to know about the diagnostic tests and adjunct therapies that we offer in our office. They are all designed to enhance the effectiveness of the primary treatment, the adjustment. Most patients find that the indicated therapies help them to achieve improved health, decreased pain and improved function in less time. Our therapies can be scheduled alone or in combination with your adjustments. If you have not yet had the opportunity to experience these therapies, please inquire about a demonstration at no charge.