Dr. Christy Lock Sutton

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Dr. Christy Lock Sutton

My personal struggle with Crohn’s disease ignited and fueled my passion for holistic approaches to wellness. My debilitating health experiences with Crohn’s, and the process of overcoming them, gave me the empathy and knowledge to relate to my patients. In addition, my experiences and education have taught me how to better support and help people with autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, adrenal, thyroid, and blood sugar issues.

I believe in the importance of treating the whole person through finding and fixing the underlying cause of illness rather than just treating symptoms. Regardless of the issue—autoimmune disease, low back pain, infertility, hormonal issues, knee pain, plantar fascitis, childhood developmental deficiencies, or headache—I approach all my patients with the perspective of treating holistically through correcting or removing the cause.   Read More…